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People are our Inspiration,
                                     Imagination is our Power.

"사람들의 이야기는 우리의 열정이고, 상상의 현실화는 우리의 숙명입니다."


와우하우스는 공공을 위해 ‘와우’를 창조하는 멀티미디어 스튜디오 입니다.
영상, 소리, 물, 불 등의 다양한 미디어를 융합하여 퍼블릭 아트의 이상을 실현합니다.
대표 홍유리를 비롯하여 스탭 전원이 상상기술자로 구성된 와우하우스는 창의적인 영역부터 디자인과 기술의
영역을 아우르며 끊임 없는 실험과 연구를 통해 조명, 영상, 조형물은 물론, 예술과 기술이 통합된 스펙타클
쇼까지 남녀노소 모두가 즐길 수 있는 콘텐츠로 장소에 활기를 불어넣습니다.
건축의 입면과 내부는 물론, 도심의 길과 공원, 공장, 숲, 바다, 호수, 역사가 살아 숨쉬는 사찰과 고궁 등
공간의 한계를 넘어 상상의 빛을 입혀 새로운 경험과 감동의 순간을 디자인합니다.
2018년 와우하우스의 전신인 TMWA Inc.에서 한층 더 매체를 실험하고 연구하여 잊지못할 순간과 와우를
창조하는데 집중하여 설립된지 100년이 넘도록 조형예술계는 물론, 우리 삶에 끊임없는 영향을 미치는 바우하
우스의 정신을 이어 공공을 위해 한층 더 유익하고, 즐거운 그리고 행복한 콘텐츠를 창조해나가고자 합니다.

WAUHAUS Inc. is the multimedia studio that creates the wow and unforgettable moments for the public.

We will realize the ideal of public cultural contents by using various media such as light, sound, video,water, and fire with multimedia show. 

The founder and creative director, Yuree Hong and her team of artistic directors, designers and engineers are all imagineers

 From the creative area to the design and technology area, the WAUHAUS breathes vitality into the place

with cultural contents people enjoy and converged with lights, 3d video mapping, sculpture

and water effects for the spectacle show through researching and experimenting constantly.

We create and design the moments of new experience and impression

by using imagining light for the objects beyond the limit of space

such as the facade of architecture, interior, urban streets

and parks, factory, forest and water front area. 


Digital Signage Awards, Winner, 2023

Good light award the grand prize, Seoul, Korea, 2019
VIVID Sydney
TOP10 ART WORK, Australia, 2019
iLight Singapore, Singapore, 2018

The Citation from the of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs, South Korea, 2013
The achievement award for the successful 2012 Yeosu International EXPO (Personal)
Outstanding Achivement, 19th THEA Awards, US, 2013
The best show of this year, 2012 (Team)


Gimpo International Airport Media wall, 2023
Incheon International Airport Media art, 2023

SeoulLight Gwanghwa 2022 Media Art Show, Seoul, Korea, 2022

Gwanghwamun Square Media art, Seoul, Korea, 2022

Nashville Legislative Plaza Media Art Show, Nashville, USA, 2022

Suwon Hwaseong Media Art Show, Korea, 2022, 2021

ShinhanCard Head office Media art, Korea, 2022, 2021

Yonsei University Media Contents, Korea, 2021

LG Bestshop Media Contents, Korea, 2021

Wando Seaweed Center, Korea, 2021
Night Culture Contents, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea, 2021
Jeju Fire Festival, Jeju, Korea, 2021
Seoul Square Projection Mapping, Seoul, Korea, 2021
Seoul Lighting Festival, Seoul, Korea, 2020
Projection Mapping, Heritage Seoul Station, Seoul, Korea, 2019
Four Season of the forest, Seoul, Korea, 2019
Wish Tree, Seven Star Street, Jeju, Korea, 2019
Lighting Festival, Lotte Tower, Seoul, Korea, 2019
Dancing Grass, Vivid Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2019
Dancing Grass, MONT Festival, Abu Dabi, Arab, Emiriates, 2019
Dancing Grass, Lumiere, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2018
Dual, HQ, Architecture Light, Seoul, Korea, 2018
The Sound of Island, Gapyong, Korea, 2018
The Dream of Turtle, Haeundae, Busan, Korea, 2018
Dancing Grass, iLight Marinabya 2018, Singapore, 2018
The Secret Book Seller, Jeonju, Korea, 2017
WANDO Water Sculputre, Wando, Korea 2017
The Island of Hope, Jeju, Jeju, Korea, 2016

pasted-image - 복사본.tiff

Seongwon Cho

Creative R&D

Yuree Hong

Artist & Creative Director

Founder & CEO



Yujin Shim

Contents planning and  production

/ Manager




Contents planning and  production

/ Manager/Pro




Hyeokjin Yang 

Contents production and technical 

/ Pro


Hyesoo Park

Contents production and technical 

/ Pro


Taeha Kim

Contents production and technical 

/ Pro



Contents production and technical 

/ Manager/Pro

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